Pet Behavior Consultations

Pet Behavior Consultation (1-on-1 online sessions)

  • Get quick answers and support about your dog or cat’s behavior online. Chat with our animal behavior professionals through Google Meet or by phone for up to 30 minutes, at no cost to you (donations are gladly accepted but optional).

    In addition to helping you to identify the cause of your pet’s unwanted behavior and some possible solutions during your 30 minute consultation, we can also provide the following:

    Referrals to free online pet behavior educational materials.

    E-mail support - Coaching on ways to resolve behavior problems through management of the pet’s environment.

    E-mail support - Coaching on ways to resolve behavior problems through increasing enrichment.

    E-mail support - Coaching on ways to change your pet’s behavior through positive reinforcement training.

    Referrals to veterinary behaviorists or certified canine behavior consultants for behavior modification services for fear, anxiety, reactivity, and aggression in pets.

  • 30 minute, one-on-one online or phone session with a certified professional dog trainer.

    Personalized recommendations for changing your pet’s behavior and improving your relationship with your pet.

    Free digital resources (videos and PDFs)

    When necessary, referrals to outside providers such as veterinary behaviorists or certified behavior consultants.

    Follow-up support through e-mail


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